The Multihalle is a building set in a green park-landscape (Herzogenriedpark) in the city of Mannheim. Originally planned to be a provisional structure for the German National Garden Show 1975 (Bundesgartenshow), its iconic form is still very much present today. As the building is mostly unused nowadays, the question is how to fill it with new life and how it needs to be adapted for future uses.
Our Multi-alley project is based on a holistic concept with regard to urbanity, landscape, architecture, and function. The characteristic roof and the elevated path will remain the main features whereas the inner organization as well as the landscape will be adapted.
We see the Multihalle as an iconic object which continually loses importance in the everyday lives of Mannheim citizens.

The goal must be to revitalize the building and bring it back to people's consciousness.
In order to reach this goal, we developed a toolbox focusing on four aspects:
• Strengthened east- west connection
• Clear main entrances
• Experienceable landscape
• Adapted use
The existing podium-construction in the big bubble will be separated into two stories. This allows for more usable space within the same shape. The technical rooms are mostly preserved. On the ground floor level, studios and workshops are allocated towards the big open space. This allows the users to expand their activity into the hall and to fill it with life. The versatile studios and workshops offer flexible functionality, allowing for a variety of uses. The adaptable nature of the space permits seamless combinations or divisions, facilitated by lightweight walls that easily transform the rooms to suit specific needs. Community kitchen, foyer, and catering are located on the first floor. Those rooms are over-height and also divided with lightweight walls which makes it possible to interconnect the rooms and form a big hall for 300+ people. Similarly to the ground floor, the uses can expand out toward the hall and use the space on the terrace.

In the little bubble, we keep the restaurant, which is set on the ground floor level and directed towards the south. It will be refurbished and offers seating for 100 people, of which 50 are within the bar area and 50 in the main hall. On the upper floor, we plan wooden lightweight modules which host 34 working spaces in different configurations, as well as meeting and group rooms. The volumes are partially two stories high, and their size relates to the overarching roof of the hall. The office volumes fit in elegantly without distracting from the experience of the space with the omnipresent timber grid shell roof construction. The volumes are grouped around an open space in the middle, which is used as Public Square for the users / office workers.

Workshop Rooms
Main Hall
Catering area
Music / Media Room
Dance Studio
Sanitary Rooms
Technica Rooms